「睜一隻眼閉一隻眼」英文可以用 turn a blind eye 這個片語來表達。我們來看些例子:
Staff at the mall usally turn a blind eye to people who do not wear a mask.
In the early days, people turned a blind eye to domestic violence as they do not want to interfer with other people's
domestic affairs.
另外一個美國人常用的一個成語叫做「Elephant in the room」,而其意並不是真的指一隻大象在房間裡,而是一種隱喻一個問題太過於麻煩,所有人都睜一隻眼閉一隻眼不願意討論那個問題。這個成語的啟發在於房間裡的大象是無法被房間裡的人忽視掉的,但是由於太過於麻煩所以就睜一隻眼閉一隻眼。我們來看一個例子:
In the early days, people turned a blind eye to electoral fraud, as they worried that they would be targeted by corrupt politicians once they had reported bribery. Electoral fraud was the elephant in the room.