Whammy這個字的意思是倒楣的事情 ,所以double whammy就可以翻成 「禍不單行」,我們來看下面這段對話就可以了解到如何使用double whammy這個字了 !
Susan: Hey John! How was your trip to Mexico?
John: Well, My bus broke down in the middle of nowhere, and I got robbed by a bus driver.
Susan: Wow! That's is a double whammy.
Susan: 嗨! John! 你的墨西哥旅行如何呀?
John: 怎麼說呢, 我的公車在鳥不生蛋的地方拋錨了, 然後我還被公車司機搶劫了
Susan: 我的天耶! 那真是禍不單行阿!
我們也可以用when it rains, it pours來表達同樣意思,貼切的中文翻譯就是「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」
Susan: Hey John! How was your trip to Mexico?
John: Well, My bus broke down in the middle of nowhere, and I got robbed by a bus driver.
Susan: That is crazy. When it rains, it pours.
Susan: 嗨! John! 你的墨西哥旅行如何呀?
John: 怎麼說呢,我的公車在鳥不生蛋的地方拋錨了, 然後我還被公車司機搶劫了
Susan: 那真是屋漏偏逢連夜雨
還有一個很好用的片語叫 be down on one's luck 意思就是衰到谷底的意思, 如果你最近做什麼事情都不順或很多衰事發生在你身上, 你可以用這個片語 比如:
I've been down on my luck recently. I lost my job, my girlfreind broke up with me, and my car just broke down yesterday.
我最近真是衰到不行 ,我工作搞丟了, 我女朋友跟我分手, 然後我車子昨天還壞掉!